Sunday, March 16, 2008



This is a preliminary study for the scene we painted Saturday morning in my Plein Air Workshop. It is a vignette on a toned canvas measuring 9x11.5 inches. It was done to get us started and set the mood for the class. This study has very loose, bold brushwork.

In the photos here you can see the actual scene with this painting on my easel, and photos of some artists in my workshop.

Email me at if you’re interested in this painting or if you would like to commission me to create a special painting for your home or office.

If you’re interested in my CD on “PLEIN AIR PAINTING MADE EASY” click the headline above. Details are on my website.

Thanks for stopping to look.

Today’s thought to smile about:
Getting out in the warm sunshine

1 comment:

  1. This was such a great location to paint! Your study turned out so beautifully but the larger canvas you did was STUNNING! I wish I had a picture of it to look at for inspiration. Thanks for a wonderful workshop, I got a whole lot of information out of it!
