Saturday, March 22, 2008


6x6 inch original oil painting

If you wish to purchase this painting, email me at for details. Shipping is free, and I accept PayPal or personal checks. I ship to the United States only.

To view paintings available on my website, click the headline above today’s image. Thanks for looking.

Today’s thought to smile about:
Easter Egg Hunts

1 comment:

  1. Happy Easter Tom! This is a wonderfully appropriate painting for today and it is beautifully executed.

    Thank you for the blog post you did this week with the artists tips. Good advice that I will put into action.

    There seems to be a lot of advertising options for daily painters on the internet but, what about artists like myself, who don't have the opportunity to paint daily? It's a struggle to maintain a presence on the net either on Ebay or my blog because I simply don't produce enough art. Any advice for a "Weekly Painter" like myself?
