Tuesday, October 23, 2007


“FIRE IN THE SKY” by Tom Brown
6x6 inch Original oil painting
Click the headline to purchase this painting.

Wildfires are burning out of control in Southern California near my home. The photo was taken in my neighborhood Monday morning when I set out with my paints to capture this awesome sight in oils.

As I created this painting on location small bits of ash fell and became embedded in the oil paint. They can easily be brushed off when the painting is dry but I decided to leave them for now, as they impart a sense of history to this piece.

I also created two other paintings of the fires that are on eBay. You can click the headline to purchase this painting or see the other wildfire paintings. Each is a unique piece of history.

The FREE PAINTING is not offered today, but keep watching. It could be any day now! (Maybe even tomorrow!) When I post the free painting you must email me within 48 hours for a chance to win. There are no strings attached; even the shipping is free.

Today’s thought to smile about:
Thinking about better days ahead

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Blogger Cooper Dragonette said...

Oil and fire?!

7:13 AM  
Blogger Tom Brown said...

Ya gotta see the bright side of things. When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. When life hands you wildfires, make paintings. - Tom

7:40 AM  
Blogger Charlotte McDavid said...

I like your wildfire paintings, but shouldn't you be packing or something? Hope the fires don't get any closer.
Keep us posted.

10:38 AM  
Blogger ginner said...

Hope everyone is safe!

4:13 PM  
Blogger Tom Brown said...

Thanks for the concerns everybody. Yes, we are all safe. We're alert and ready to move on a moment's notice. Until then, there's nothing to be done but hope. - Tom

4:49 PM  
Blogger Lana G! said...

Tom, the painting says it all. It is uncanny how there is a glimpse of beauty even in disaster. Thanks for stopping by my blog. The painting is beautiful.

LOVE "Liquid Thunder" by the way!!

Lana G!

6:32 AM  
Blogger k Madison Moore said...

What a Painting! I love the ashes in the paint...this piece overwhelmed me...I felt like I was there.
Be safe
Charlotte is right....pack!


4:38 PM  

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