6x5 inch original plein air oil painting
by Tom Brown
To purchase this painting, email me at:
I was captivated by the sunlight dusting the treetops, and the muted colors in the foreground contrasted with the brilliant colors in the sky. As I was putting the finishing touches on this painting a flight of birds crossed the sky, heading home for the day. They provided the final bit of sparkle in this little jewel of a painting.
Many artists who follow this blog have been inquiring about my Plein Air Painting videos. All my earlier videos are currently sold out, but I am excited to announce that I have just received a new shipment of my TWO NEWEST VIDEOS from my TV show on Plein Air Painting.
Each video was filmed entirely on location, and the camera zooms in very tight to capture subtleties of color mixtures on the palette and brush techniques as I apply strokes of rich, juicy oils to the canvas.
“JEFFREY OPEN SPACE TRAIL” follows me from start to finish as I work on a large toned panel. You’ll see how to create color variety and continuity throughout the canvas. You will learn about underpainting and overpainting, as well as how to mix the proper consistency of paint for various effects, and much more. In this video I also demonstrate a variety of practical and inexpensive equipment options you can make for outdoor painting.
“PAINTING PLEIN AIR MINIATURES” follows the development of TWO separate paintings in a single video. In this lesson I discuss when, why and how to paint miniatures on location. This video includes lessons on how to unify value-masses in your paintings to create solid compositions, how to lead the eye to the focal point and how to create sizzling surface texture.
Each video is priced at $30 while supplies last (but supplies are limited). Shipping is free within the USA. To order videos email me at:
Thanks for looking. Enjoy the view and have a wonderful day!